Aboriginal History Information Report-Library

Hi Everyone!

Today I will be telling you about some fact about the history of Aboriginal culture.

European Curiosity Collecting: Not all the artefacts The people found had a tag or something that said where they were from. And some objects are so sacred not even a museum can keep them so they have to be returned to there community or where they came from.

The Disappearance of the Murnong Daisy: The Murnong daisy has an edible stem. It was also used by aborigines for medicine.

Aboriginal Mining Before the Gold Rush: The aborigines showed the places they had seen gold in to the European settlers. The aborigines used to mine rock called greenstone.

The Native Police: These police were the first police in Ballarat. They were known for their splendid appearance.

Scientific Racism: Many skulls from aboriginal people were stolen for the name of “science.” People used to think that your personality could be determined by your skull.

Possum Skin Cloak/Rug Making: These cloaks were made for the leaders of the group. The women would make these cloaks using a special technique.

Tree Scarring: Aborigines used tree bark for various things, and it doesn’t harm the tree at all!! They used it for baby-carriers and lots of other things. Often you see the tree without the bark it might mean a boundary between two different groups of people or it might mean a sacred place.

Ochre Use: It was used in ceremonies and celebrations. Later, they found different colours of ochre.

Bush Medicine: Every plant in the bush serves a purpose. A type of wattle can cure a young child’s diarrhoea and can act like a band-aid for a scratch.

I hoped you enjoyed it!

Bye, Liz

Aboriginal Lifestyle- Library

Hi Everyone!!

Are you wondering what life was like for aborigines? Well wait no more. I have collected some information about the lives of these people before, during and after the gold rush.

European Curiosity Collecting: Not all artefacts had a tag or something that said where they were from. Some object are so sacred not even a museum can keep them so they have to be returned to there community or where they came from.
The Disappearance of the Murnong Daisy: It has an edible stem and it was used by aborigines for medicine.

Tree Scarring: The bark of trees were used to make baby carriers and tables and chairs. Who were sat on by the more important men and maybe women but it’s not likely. Often you might see a tree without the bark it might mean a boundary between two different groups of people or it might mean a sacred place.

I hoped you liked it and I will hear from you next time!!
Bye 👋👋

Avatars and why they are important

Hello World!

This is my avatar. This avatar represents me because I thought really carefully about what to put in it and what to wear, etc.

The reason I chose this blue jumper is because I have one just like this. It’s even a turtleneck and I feel like I wear those jumpers a lot.
The next detail is my hair. My hair has waves in it and is long and blonde. I also have a part of my hair did stretches down along my face. Just like the avatar.
My face looks like the avatar to because I have quite tanned skin was blue/grey eyes. With a small mouth and small ears. My nose is quite small and pointy.
The reason I chose this background is because I like bold striking colours and patterns.

I believe that my avatar really represents me.

Bye 👋

Term 1 Library Reflection

Hello World! 

I enjoy reading historical books because they teach you about the past. You get to realise and understand the characters life style. These books make you appreciate how easy our lives are. Reading these books makes me feel like I am going to transform into another world where horses pull wagons and people push wheel-barrows. 

I recommend the book ‘The Skylarks War’ because it proves all the aspects that I just mentioned. This book also shows you how badly women were treated just because they are a different gender. Clary and her brother are living peacefully when a horrific war comes along a Clarry is very scared she doesn’t know what to do.

The book that I’m reading at the moment, for book chat is called ‘The Girl, the Cat and the Navigator’ there is a girl called Oona and she lives in a town called Nordlor. Her mum and her six sisters want to move to the south but Oona wants to stay in the north. She sneaks onto her dad’s ship as a stowaway and goes on one of the biggest adventures of her life out at sea on the Great Hunt. I think the book is amazing and I recommend this to anyone who likes adventure stories it’s definitely one of my favourite books.

What is your favourite book?

Bye! (more…)

First month of Year 5

Hi everyone!

Happy New Year! The first month in Year 5 has been wonderful. I have made lots of new friends. I’m starting to get the hang of the new Year 5 time-table. Year 5 comes with responsibility and privileges. 

My favourite part about Year 5 so far is A.P.S. In A.P.S. we do lots of sports. Such as cycling, swimming, a triathlon and rock-climbing. Yesterday we did the triathlon, it was quite hard. We were able to choose if we did it a second time and I did because I wanted to beat my score. In future we will be able to choose what we do for A.P.S. from a selection of sports, it’s going to be so much fun. My new Year 5 teacher is Mrs. Straford. She is very nice. 

I’m definitely looking forward to the future year in Year 5. I’m looking forward to the Year 5  production and all the opportunities we will get. 

What was your favourite part about Year 5?

Bye 👋 

Dear Future Year 4’s

Dear Future Year 4’s,

I hear you’re coming up to Year 4 next year.

Here’s three things that you need:

1. Curiosity 

So you can try new things and exceed beyond what you do.

2. Independence 

It will help you do things by yourself and without a teacher’s help.

3. Resilience

This will guide you in the right direction so you can keep on going with what you are doing.

Two things to look forward to are…. 

  • The absolutely amazing Nativity when we write the script all by ourselves.
  • And Year 4 camp at Mt. Evelyn when we formed so many new relationships.

A time when I laughed was on Orientation Day when I met new people that made me laugh.

A time when I was challenged was when I took three challenge sheets in Maths.

(which is personally, not my greatest subject.)

I am proud of how many things that I have learned and how many people I have formed relationships with.

I always remember Mrs Burns and Mrs Haines saying how much fun they had with this class and how much they wish it could happen all again.

Nativity Play Process

This term all of the Year 4 classes created a Nativity Play each. And I am going to tell you how 4HB’s was made. To know how we should write it we had to use our P.L.A. of knowledge and so we asked our chaplain to give us some idea of what we should do.

In the first step we had to of course, write the script. Tara and I wrote Scene 3. Scene 3 is when Mary and Joseph are talking about Mary having the Son of God. To hear all of the other scenes 4HB got into a circle and we read out the script to make sure that it all made sense. 

Next, we had auditions to figure out who would play which part. (Personally, I liked this part the best.) I got the part of Mary, which was really lucky. Sometimes when it was to hard to pick who would play which part we would have a vote. You may ask how we did this vote. Well, I’ve got you covered. We closed our eyes and the teacher would say the name, if you thought this person would make a good whatever character you would put your hand up. To do this we had to use the P.L.A. of independence to make sure that we didn’t just vote because our friends did it.

Then, we started to rehearse our play and payed lots of attention to what sides we come on and off of. Now, we pay attention to expression, not facing our back to the audience, eye contact and volume of our voice. To do this we had to use the P.L.A. of curiosity to try new things. We will be performing this at Karana which is our local nursing home and to our parents and out Year 2 buddies.

Judging Information Books

Hi followers!

What do you think makes a good information book? Well in case you didn’t know I shall tell you. A good information book has to include, clear drawings because you need to have clear drawings so people can understand because usually understand things better when there are pictures. A neat layout because it makes it easier to read and looks better. Finally, worthy information because if you added things in that you did not need to people who are reading it would get  bored.

I choose the book “Sorry Day” by Coral Bass and Dub Leffler.

The reason I choose this book is because of the reasons I explained before (clear drawings, neat layout and worthy information) and because I really liked how it switched in between the old times where the white settlers took away the children off the aboriginal parents because they thought that they would have a better life with themselves rather than the aboriginal parents and the times now, where instead of being taken away from their families a little girl gets lost. 

The score that I gave “Sorry Day” was 28 out of 30.

What is your favourite CBCA (Children Book Council of Australia) award book?

Bye!!! 👋 

Come to Meet the Scientist!

Hi Guys!

On Tuesday Izzy and I conducted an experiment. It did not take that long. Our aim was to figure out which material drop the fastest out of a cork, a tennis ball, a plastic lid and a jumbo marble. It was really fun to conduct. 

Izzy and I went to the 1st floor of the middle school balcony. Next, we dropped the different materials to see which one fell the fastest. The jumbo marble fell the fastest. The cork fell down the slowest. 

Some successful parts were in our hypothesis was right the big marble did fall the fastest. Some I’m unsuccessful parts were when we didn’t know where the stairs were to get up to the first floor and then we met another girl who helped us find our way there. So in conclusion that was half a successful part. Another unsuccessful part was when Izzy forgot to bring the materials in our science experiment but luckily I had a plastic lid and a bag inside my school bag.

I climbed up to the first floor and dropped each of the materials one by one. Izzy stayed at the bottom and filmed each of the materials. Some of the PLA’s I used were communication because with out that we wouldn’t be able to do the experiment at all! Another one would be reflection because we needed to reflect on our mistakes and fix them.


Finally we completed our Keynote and our A3 poster. In conclusion the experiment was super fun and we both had an awesome time!

Bye!!!! 😜


Book Week 2019- Reading is my Secret Power

Hi Guys!

This week has been book week at Carey. On the last day of book week (today, Friday) we all dress-up as a book character. My friends and I dressed up as The Baby-sitters Club. I came as Stacey McGill, my friend Izzy came as Claudia, Tara came as Kristy and Matilda came as Dawn. 

The main characters in The Baby-sitters Club are six girls called Kristy, Stacey, Claudia, Dawn, Mary Anne and Mallory. They have formed the Baby-sitters Club. 

At the end of the day Year 4 had a parade. The three teachers called out different genres. The Baby-sitters Club was in the genre of friendship. We walked around the parade arm in arm. It was super fun. Some of the genres were friendship (obviously), science-fiction, fairytales, sport and a couple more. The teachers called out friendship near the end so we had to wait a long time.

After the parade we had to do some activities about Book Week which surprisingly is this very task, but I had to catch-up because I was performing in the lower school assembly. I was quite nervous but what was really great to see was all the lower school kids in assembly. There was such a mixture in costumes. 

Bye for now!

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